A Forest of Quilts Deer Tablecloth (turned bed quilt)

A Forest of Quilts Deer Tablecloth (turned bed quilt)

I started this quilt (my 24th) at the Camp Lebanon fall quilt retreat in 2004 and finally got it quilted and bound in February 2005. I actually combined together a few different ideas presented in the book, A Forest of Quilts: Designs for Those Who Love the Outdoors by Terrie Kralik.


My idea when I started this quilt was that it would make a nice tablecloth for our diing room table. That is what I had in mind when I drew out the pattern, and, while it seemed huge while I was peicing it, it ended up too small for our table! (Yeah, I know I should have measured the table before I went to retreat). I just ended up putting 100% cotton batting in it and using it as a bed quilt.

I bought the book I found this pattern in, while I was visiting a quilt shop (sorry, don’t remember where) — trying to kill time when my son was at a hockey camp. It was during the summer of 2004 but I was able to find it on Amazon: A Forest of Quilts: Designs for Those Who Love the Outdoors (affiliate link).

A Forest of Quilts: Designs for Those Who Love the Outdoors

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